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Nutri Boost Millet Mix Health Powder

Start your day with Nutri boost millet mix health powder Which is made from 52 natural ingredients Rich Amount of minerals , proteins and vitamins which helps you to live a healthy life.

Nutri Boost Millet Mix Health Powder

Original price was: ₹325.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

Nutri boost Millet Mix Health Powder

Qty: 500 grm. Start your day with Nutri boost millet mix health powder Which is made from 52 natural ingredients Rich Amount of minerals, proteins and vitamins which helps you to live a healthy life. Health was earlier said to be the ability of the body functioning, well how ever as time evolved it cannot be stressed enough that heath is the primary thing after which every thing else follows, when you maintain good health every thing else fall into place. Maintaining good health depends on lot of factors, Health has a lot of components that carry equal importance. If even one of them is missing a person cannot be completely healthy. Nutri Boost Millet Mix Health Powder is one of the Source from which you can get complete Nutrient, Protein, Minerals, etc… to live Energetic and Healthy Life. Nutri Boost Millet Mix Health Powder is made from 52 Natural Ingredients like Millets, Cereals, Dry Fruits, Spices and Herb from which you take proper care of your Health. Description Nutri Boost Millet mix health powder Nutri Boost Millet Mix Health Powder is made from 52 Natural Ingredients : Browntop Millet, Kudo Millet, Little Millet, Foxtail Millet, Barnyard Millet, Proso Millet, Sprouted Finger Millet, Pearl Millet, Sorghum Millet, Wheat, Red rice, Sprouted Horse Gram, SproutedLobia, Sprouted Chik Peas, Moongdal, Sprouted Green gram, Maize, Rajma, Masoordal, White Rajma, Toor Dal, Chik peas Daal, Sprouted Moung, Sprouted Kali mash, Sprouted Mash dal, Almond, Cashew, Pista, Wallnut, Peanut, Flax seeds, Chea seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sun flower seeds, Water Melon seeds, Sego, Makhana, Sonf, Sonth, Cardamom, Cinnamom, Kalongi Fenugreek, Cumin, Ashwagandha, Shetawari, Curry Leaves, Fenugreek leaves, Guava Leaves, Black plum Leaves. Nutri Boost Millet Mix is made in a Traditional way All 52 Ingredients are Roasted in a mud pot and Blended. All the Ingredients are having there same benefits and Contribution in Nutri boost Millet Mix Health powder . Consuming Nutri Boost Millet Mix daily twice a day Helps in weight loss, Helps in high blood pressure, Controls Blood Sugar, Keeps heart Diseases away, Improves Digestive system, Promotes anti-aging, Builds Healthy Cells, Boost Immunity, Lower Cholestrol, Improves Skin health, etc…. Nutri Boost Millet Mix Health Powder contains Protien, Fiber, Magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, Vitamin e and b complex.


Talbeenah is a traditional Islamic dish with roots in the Hadith literature. It is noted for its health benefits and comforting properties. Ingredients:ve overview:Barley: The main ingredient, Dry Dates , Almonds , Cashew , Makhana , Walnuts , Pumpkin Seeds and Cardamom as flovour. Nutritional Value: Talbeenah is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Barley is a good source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and selenium. Digestive Health: The high fiber content helps promote healthy digestion and can aid in preventing constipation. Heart Health: Barley has been linked to lower cholesterol levels, which can contribute to better cardiovascular health. Immune Support: The antioxidants and nutrients in talbeenah may help support the immune system. Blood Sugar Control: Barley has a low glycemic index, which means it may help in managing blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Satiety: It can be quite filling, helping to control hunger and potentially assist in weight management. Overall, talbeenah offers a range of health benefits due to its nutritional content and its role in a balanced diet.   Talbeenah is a traditional food that has a historical and cultural significance in various Middle Eastern societies. It is a type of porridge or gruel made from barley or wheat, often cooked with milk and sweetened with honey or dates. The dish has been mentioned in Islamic tradition and is known for its health benefits and nutritional value. The historical roots of Talbeenah can be traced back to early Islamic times. According to Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad), Talbeenah was recommended for its therapeutic properties and was believed to help in relieving grief and improving health. The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that Talbeenah has a soothing effect on the heart and can provide comfort to those in distress. Throughout history, Talbeenah has been a staple in many Middle Eastern diets and has been consumed for both its taste and medicinal benefits. It remains a popular dish in many Arab countries today, appreciated for its simple ingredients and nutritional value.